Netsquare – F5 Workshop

9th March | 10:00 – 16:00
@Royal Olympic Hotel

Join our workshop to learn more about the possibilities of F5 solutions.

Through the combination of theoretical and practical exercises, the modules most used in F5 projects will be presented, which will allow understanding and solving everyday situations.


Registration open until 18:00 on February 28th


10.00 – Registration & Welcome Coffee
10.30 – Welcome & value proposition (George Stamatoukos)
11.00 – F5 solution presentation (Angelos Dometios)
12.00 – Demo/ Solution Case Study presentation by the F5 SE
13.00 – Lunch

Angelos Dometios

F5 Regional Sales Manager

George Stamatoukos

CEO Netsquare

Royal Olympic Hotel
Athanasiou Diakou 28, Athina 117 43, Greece

See location

Do you need more information?

Maria Vermisoglou or call us @ +302110139400